Five Tips For OverComing Negative Thoughts

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Hello Followers!  Did you start following my Happy Health Coach blog because you needed some inspiration!? Or something to counteract those negative feelings and thoughts that are swimming around in your head?  Well, if you did, here is your…shot of sunshine for the day! Five Tips for Overcoming Negative Thoughts:

1. Surround Yourself with Positive People It’s true!  We do adopt the characteristics, thoughts and feelings of those who we are in contact with on a regular basis.  Do you have toxic friends or co-workers?  Maybe a toxic family member? Find some new friends and peers to hang out around who live life the way you want to live it!  Healthy, happy friends are an important part of a healthy, happy lifestyle.

2. Help Someone Assisting others with their needs will help you get the focus off of little distractions and thoughts that consume your mind and lead to depression, anxiety and stress.  Helping others boosts one’s confidence, creates feelings of compassion and nurtures your spirit.

3. Write a Gratitude List Start a gratitude journal that you write in daily before bed or as soon as you wake up in the morning.  Write down anything and everything you are grateful for– even if those things feel insignificant!  Try it out for a week to start–I know you will see a difference in your life!

4. Sing to Upbeat Music Crank up your stereo, radio or boom box!  Music has a way of speaking to our soul and our hearts like nothing else in this world can.  You become what you consume. Listen to happy music and your negative thoughts will internally start to change.

5. Give Yourself Permission to Turn Your Day Around at any Given Moment Did your day start out sour?  Who says it has to stay that way?  We often judge our days by the way our morning started out.  Our thinking process goes something like this, “Good morning=good day and bad morning=bad day.”  I’m telling you–it doesn’t have to be that way!  What if you decided that Mondays were now the best day of the week instead of the worst?  How would that change your life?

Happy thoughts!

Health Coach Autumn

One Surefire Way to Lose Weight


How can I lose a few pounds?

As a health coach, I get asked this question over and over again. And the answer is simple: MOVE!!

If you just want to lose a few pounds, get an extra 20-30 minutes of walking in a day. If you work from a desk, get up every 1/2 hour or so and move for a minute. The more you move; the more you lose. After just a few weeks, I promise you’ll see the difference.

Losing large amount of weight is indeed more complicated. And that’s where I come in as Health Coach. I counsel on habits, nutrition, exercise, lifestyle areas, relationships, careers and likewise. When you really want to shed a lot of weight, you really have to dive in with both feet.

I love working with my clients; whether its in person, over the phone, or through video chat. The personal connection and the relationships that are built while helping others achieve their health and life goals is life changing and so special to me.

I give no-cost consultations weekly.. and I’d love to chat with you! We can talk about where you are and where you’d like to be, and what we can do to get you there!!

Email me anytime at or sign up for a free consultation on my website at

To your health and happiness!!

Health Coach Autumn

I’ve become a doTERRA essential oil addict!

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Essential oils are so amazing!  Wait, let me say it again.  ESSENTIAL OILS ARE AMAZING!!

I had no clue that I was walking into a Gold mine last year by joining the doTERRA Essential Oil Company.

Essential oils are a fantastic, natural way to treat or lessen the effects of all sorts of health issues; from emotional to mental to physical issues. They not only treat the side effects, they tackle the root of the problem too! My friend Hope and I are having a virtual class on facebook next Monday at 5pm Pacific/8 pm Eastern and you should attend!

I promise you will learn some amazing things about how you can boost your health, immune system and mood.  Hope to see you in the class!

Here is the link:

TO your great health (and mine too)-

Health Coach Autumn

Embracing New Beginnings

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“It only takes one idea, one second in time, one friend, one dream, one leap of faith, to change everything, forever.”            -Anonymous

In the movie Stranger than Fiction, the main character Harold Crick, does the same thing, at the same time, every day. His daily routine revolves around the tick of his wristwatch, thus making his life extremely dull and predictable. But one day his watch stops and his life is forever changed. Being thrown into a world of uncertainty, Harold finds difficulty in adapting to the world around him until he consciously chooses to start embracing his new life.

Do you ever feel like Harold Crick? Are you fearful of stepping outside your comfort zone? Do you struggle with change? Often, the scariest part of beginning again is the transition zone that occurs between ending one thing and starting another. We make excuses and do whatever we can to avoid the pain of this fearful place. However, the state of transition allows us to evolve from within while making peace with the past and allowing the uncertainty of the future. It is truly the place where the most personal growth and transformation occur. Transition zones can be terrifying, but they can also be the most passionate and enlightening moments of our lives.

Starting again doesn’t have to be scary; beginnings can be exhilarating and freeing. With change come opportunities and the chance to see things from a different perspective. Beginnings give insight to our lives so we can see what is truly fulfilling us and what is not. The great perfection in beginning again, is that whatever happens next, you’ll be stronger, wiser, and richer for it. Remember, every day is a chance for a new beginning. You are an eternal being and whatever you have once dreamed… the universe still dreams for you.

May 2015 be your best year yet!

Health Coach Autumn

*no cost health and lifestyle consultations available with me at

How to Dare Greatly in the 21st Century


“It is not the critic who counts: not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly… who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly.”                                                        -Theodore Roosevelt

Every era has had its handful of great explorers, advocates, daredevils, heroes and trailblazers; people willing to face danger and embrace fear in order to break modern day normalities, challenge human existence and discover new possibilities. In 2012, Felix Baumgartner, set a world record when he skydived at an astonishing 843 miles per hour from 24 miles above the earth’s surface to become the first person to break the sound barrier without vehicular power. If that is not fear; if that is not vulnerability; if that is not daring greatly—I don’t know what is.

As humans we are inherently fearful; fearful of failure, of the unknown, of what others will think of us, of change, of vulnerability. One of the tragic ironies of life is that so many of us feel isolated from each other by the same feelings that we all share; failure, procrastination, stress, anger, hurt, anxiety, guilt, shame, unworthiness  and helplessness. So why not embrace these mutual feelings, feel the fear and dare greatly?

You are more likely than not to become successful at something that you have taken the risk to fail at. So don’t walk; run outside your comfort zone! Ask your boss for a raise, have that difficult family talk, reach out to someone who has just experienced loss. Become comfortable with being uncomfortable. Find the courage to embrace your vulnerability and engage with your whole heart. Use your fears as tools to transform your life. Taking action to conquer your fears will give you a higher level of confidence, strength and empowerment within.

The reality is that in life, there are no risk-free guarantees. Helen Keller said, “Security is mostly a superstition…Avoiding danger is no safer in the long run than outright exposure.  Life is either a daring adventure or nothing.”

How will you DARE GREATLY?!

Health Coach Autumn







How to Discover Your Core Desires



“You can’t hit a target, if you don’t know what it is.” –Anthony Robbins

If you don’t know what you really want in life, you are not alone. This dilemma affects people of all ages and crosses all political, social and economic lines. As a society, we often make lists of things we want to accomplish; only to find those same things create unhappiness in our lives. This problem arises because our intentions are often not aligned with our core desired feelings.

Core desires are things you want with all of your heart. They are persistent, deep, intense and powerful longings of your core being. When you become clear about how you want to feel, you can make daily intentional choices for pleasure.

This exercise can help you discover your core desires:

  • Ask yourself, how do I want to feel in every area of my life? (health, relationships, career, spirituality, finances, social life, education, etc.) Brainstorm multiple feelings within each area and record them on paper.
  • Study your list for each area. What feelings are replicated? What words jump out at you, feel important and valuable? Narrow down your list to five overall feelings. Having trouble? Looking up the definitions of the words may help you to pinpoint your desires.
  • Now, use repetitive questioning with each of your feelings. Let’s say one of your words is “confidence.” Ask yourself, “What does confidence feel like?” Your answer, “Like winning.” Ask again, “What does confidence feel like?” Your answer, “Like being certain.” Ask again, “What does confidence feel like?” Your answer, “Like clarity.” Exactly. What you really desire is to feel clarity.
  • Write each word you’re considering on its own sticky note and stick them somewhere you’ll see them every day. After a week, you’ll know if your words feel authentic and right for you. If not, take time to re-evaluate.

Once you discover your core desires, identify three things you can do today, three this week and three this month, to help you generate those feelings. Lastly, surround yourself with people whom make you feel those ways. Unearthing your core desires will bring more fulfillment, profound joy, balance, serenity and happiness into your life!

To your desires!

Health Coach Autumn (check me out at


My Journey from Depression and Anxiety to Happiness and Health


Five years ago, at the height of my health problems, I moved from my busy city life in Florida all the way across the country to a little town on the edge of the Olympic National Forest in Washington State. (Population year round 1500)  Into the woods I went…. away from my job, my friends, my boyfriend, my hobbies… my livelihood.

I had become very ill and could not work any longer. I moved in the hopes that with the help of alternative medicine and my family in Washington State; I could cure my body and become healthy again.

Two weeks into my move I awoke one day to see a family of deer hanging out in my new backyard, eating away at the plants and bushes like there wasn’t a threat in sight.  I listened and couldn’t hear a single sound at all, inside or outside.  The sky looked dark and grey.  This was Washington State after all.  As I lay in bed, I could feel how terrible my sick, exhausted and toxic body felt.  It was in that moment I realized the weight of my decision.

I had picked up my whole life and moved to the middle of nowhere, USA.  Furthermore, I was 27 and living in a community where the average age was 65.  Suddenly, there I was, without a job, without any friends, and with a whole load of health issues that I had no clue where to begin to fix.

What was I to do?  What was my purpose now? Why was I so sick?  Through the years I hadn’t treated my body nearly as bad as most of the people my age.  Why me?

I became depressed.  I became fearful, angry and stressed. I felt like a failure. My health problems got worse.  I felt misunderstood.  Alienated.  Anxious. In fact I was so anxious it took me days to get the courage to do simple tasks, like go to the grocery store.  Every hour of the day became a struggle.  I had moved into a home with a very uncomfortable situation going on.  I became more anxious at home than ever.  To add to everything, my Aunt, Uncle and Grandmother unexpectedly passed away.  My life felt like a pit and I was at the bottom of it.

I decided to take some time and do some soul-searching.  I watched, read, and listened to everything I could to lift my spirits.  I looked for signs from the universe–signs that told me I was on the right path.  I took every medical test, tried every treatment and diet, and saw every doctor I could.  I went outside to exercise, get fresh air and be around nature whenever possible.  I called my friends whom I felt closest too, as hard as it was. I sent cards to those I could not bear to call.  I joined classes for families and friends of addicts.  I joined a meditation class, and started to work on two local committees as a volunteer.  I tried my best to attempt things that scared the living —- out of me.

I would be lying if I said my life changed overnight.  It didn’t.  Although, with time things did start to change.  Step by step I became less afraid, less depressed, less fearful of my life.  My anxiety and shame began to lift.  I brought gratuity and spirituality into my life.  I looked for the “blue skies” in everything.  Slowly but surely I became a happier and happier person. My health even began to prosper!

I stumbled across the Institute for Integrative Nutrition online and decided to sign up.  I than became more excited and hopeful about my future than ever.  On the first day of class, my gut told me my life was going to change forever.

Today, I am a new person.  I am the healthier and happier version of myself.  I continually try to align with my purpose–to inspire, to motivate, to heal, to lead–and to become the best version of myself I can, in every single area of my life.

During my journey I found that one of the tragic ironies of modern-day life is that so many of us feel isolated from each other, by the very same feelings that we all have in common:  Failure. Procrastination. Stress. Anger. Hurt. Anxiety. Depression. Guilt. Shame. Unworthiness. Helplessness. Fear.

We must learn to become larger than our anxiety, fear and shame. We must learn to share with those we trust about how we are feeling. They surely have felt the way we do at sometime in their life.  WE must want to show up– to speak, to act, to learn, to dance, to discover, to dare, to invent, to express, to create, to live!!

We must also continually search for our purpose. You know, that thing in your heart of hearts that you know that you were put on this earth to do.  I  know you know what it is in your gut, your heart and your head.  Stop denying your soul what it truly is here to do.

With that I must say, “Feel the fear, and Do it Anyway!” and also, what is that thing in your heart of hearts that you know you were put here to accomplish?  

Be happy, Be healthy. be well!

Health Coach Autumn

A Quick and Useful Exercise to Deal with Stress

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Feeling Overwhelmed?  This is a quick, useful and simple exercise to center yourself and connect with your environment.  Practice this anytime throughout the day, especially if you feel like your mind is racing or you are getting caught up in your thoughts and feelings.

1. Pause for a moment and take a deep breath

2. Look around and notice 5 things you can see

3. Listen, and notice 5 things you can hear

4. Notice 5 things that are touching you (a chair, a wristwatch, air on your face, your shoes)

Done!  Feel better?

Let’s Un-stress!

Health Coach Autumn

Your Message for the Day from the Universe!

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Practice. Study. Prepare yourself. Think. Act. Face the beasts. Pay the piper whatever dues you think you have to pay. Do the dance, walk the fire, wait in line. Plant the seeds, hoe the field, go to market. Because on the day that you become all that you now dream of becoming… Oh my gosh, there is simply no price that would seem too great. It’s going to be that good, you’re going to be that happy, and it’s going to be for so, so long. Guaranteed. 

The Universe

*One of my favorite websites is  If you sign up for their messages from the universe, you will receive a message about twice a week to your email address from the “universe.”  I find that there are many days where the messages I receive are so appropriate for that day and my life! They give me a boost and tell me that the path I am on is the right one.  It doesn’t cost anything to sign up for the messages and I’m not promoting them because I get something in return.  I just simply love the messages, and I hope you do too.

Be happy, Be healthy, Be well!

Health Coach Autumn

Healthy foods for your body and love life!


Happy Valentine’s Day!  Given that romance is on everyone’s minds today, I decided to share my favorite foods that are not only healthy, but also contain romance enhancing side effects!  I hope everyone, attached and single, has a beautiful day filled with love from friends and family!!

Here’s my list of mood stimulating foods:

Hot chili’s:  Increase circulation and stimulates nerve endings

Avocados and Asparagus: Filled with Vitamin E to balance your hormones

Dark Chocolate: Contains antioxidants and stimulates feelings of well-being and excitement

Walnuts, Pumpkin seeds, Flaxseeds and Salmon: Contain Omega ‘s which keep sex hormones at their peak

Bananas: Contain potassium for strong muscles

Be healthy, be happy, be well!

Health Coach Autumn (

Mindfulness Meditation Improves Depression, Pain and Anxiety


Mindfulness meditation programs can effectively improve anxiety, pain and depression in some people, according to a new review of studies from Johns Hopkins University researchers.

The review, published in JAMA Internal Medicine, included 47 different randomized trials that involved 3,515 people. The review showed that mindfulness meditation had small, positive effects in these three areas, with the improvements for depression in particular being similar to that of an anti-depressant. According to the study, mindfulness meditation programs involved “training in present-focused awareness or mindfulness.”

“Anxiety, depression, and stress/distress are different components of negative affect. When we combined each component of negative affect, we saw a small and consistent signal that any domain of negative affect is improved in mindfulness programs when compared with a nonspecific active control,” the researchers wrote in the study.

However, the review did not show a marked benefit of mindfulness meditation programs on substance use, sleep or weight. While few studies examined potential harms of mindfulness meditation (nine of the trials), none of them reported harm.

In addition, mantra meditation programs — such as transcendental meditation, which involves “use of a mantra in such a way that it transcends one to an effortless state where focused attention is absent” — did not seem to show any particular health benefits, though researchers noted that very few studies on mantra meditation met their criteria to be included in the review.

“This lack significantly limited our ability to draw inferences about the effects of mantra meditation programs on psychological stress-related outcomes, which did not change when we evaluated transcendental meditation separately from other mantra training,” they wrote.

Overall, the review showed researchers that more studies on meditation are needed, especially to see how greater meditation training, trainer expertise and amount of time spent practicing mindfulness meditation could potentially improve health even more. This is considering mindfulness meditation is a skill that does require time and practice, and that presumably the more and longer you do it, the greater benefits it may have. (However, many studies included in the review were relatively short.)

Indeed, in a related editorial published in the same journal, Dr. Allan H. Goroll, M.D., of Harvard Medical School, notes that most studies in the review were less than 12 months long, and that “longer study duration will be needed to address the question of maximum efficacy.”

“Nonetheless,” Goroll said in the editorial, “the small but potentially meaningful reductions in the distress of anxiety and depression associated with limited-term mindfulness programs argue for consideration of their use as a means of moderating the need for psychopharmacologic intervention in these conditions.”

Goroll noted that the benefits of mindfulness meditation found in the review are modest, with some studies finding no benefit. He postures that trendiness, the desire to establish control and potentially even capitalizing on common anxieties are all reasons for why mindfulness meditation has become increasingly popular today.

*This article was found on

To your health!

Autumn (check me out at

Anxiety Literally Makes Everything Stink



Did you know that as you get more anxious, you are more likely to find neutral smells less appealing?

It’s True!  As your anxiety heightens, your emotional system goes into overload.  Your processing stream is affected by your emotional system, which is operating in overdrive. Suddenly, everything smells, literally.

So what can you do to counteract anxiety?


As little as twenty minutes a day can help to lessen your anxiety! 

Personally, I love to take brisk walks when I feel anxiety and stress.  The fresh air and the outdoors really lighten me up.  Would that work for you?


To your health and happiness!

Autumn (check me out at


Boost Your Happiness Level by Eating!


We all need Serotonin, an important mood boosting hormone.  Wouldn’t it be fabulous to eat food, and get happy at the same time?  You can!  The following foods increase serotonin levels in the body.

1) Free Range Beef
2) Flaxseed and Flaxseed oil
3) Bananas
4) Wild Fish and Sea food
5) Sour cherries
6) Buckwheat
7) High quality Eggs
8) Whey Protein
9) Free Range Turkey
10) Dark Chocolate

That’ll put a Smile on your face!  I’m thinking of you all today and hoping you are as happy as you should be.

To your health!

Autumn (check me out at

Meet the Doctor Of the Future

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Me!  I’m a Holistic Health Coach that treats patients without medication and it’s side effects.  I treat people through nutrition, mind-body medicine, alternative healing techniques, wellness and lifestyle coaching.  My specialties include digestive and immune issues as well as patients who suffer from anxiety and depression.

I work with my patients one-on-one in a confidential setting.  Together we set sustainable goals to help them achieve happiness and health.  I see patients in person and over the phone.

Could you benefit from health coaching with me?  Sign up for a free consultation on my website,

“The doctor of the future will give no medication, but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, diet and in the cause and prevention of disease. ” – Thomas Edison

To your health!

Autumn (check me out at

Want to reduce your anxiety? Try these brain changing foods!

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Tired of fighting with stress and worry?

Try these foods that fight anxiety and depression!

1.  Foods rich in tryptophan (sweet potatoes, beets and carrots)

Tryptophan is an amino acid that converts to serotonin in your brain, boosting happiness levels.

2.  Foods that are rich in selenium (whole grains, nuts, seeds, and shellfish).

Low intake of selenium is linked to depression.

3. Foods rich in Vitamin C (red bell peppers, broccoli, kiwi, peaches, collard greens)

Vitamin C reduces stress–which in turn reduces anxiety.

4. Foods rich in Omega 3’s (walnuts, flaxseed, chia seeds, salmon, tuna)

Omega-3 fatty acid stabilize mood.

To your health!

Autumn (check me out at