Roasted campfire veggies, Starfishes, and the biggest Sitka Spruce Tree on Earth

Greetings from the Great Pacific Northwest!  I’m finally back from our amazing camping trip on the Washington Coast and in the Olympic National Forest.  It was fabulous (amazing photos coming later—stay tuned!).

There were so many new adventures!  We visited Rialto Beach (surfers, fog, driftwood, and amazing rocks) and Lake Quinault (quiet, amazing sunsets, picnics).  We saw two world famous trees (the largest Sitka Spruce tree in the world and the 3rd largest red cedar tree) and hugged them.   (They hugged us back too!)  My mom was lucky enough to kiss a starfish and a sea anemone by falling in a tide pool on her birthday —the caption should have read, “Beach 4—it’s a Splash!”

We also visited Ruby Beach (my favorite and most picture perfect spot) and Kalaloch Beach (amazing sand, waves, and a 3 minute walk from my tent)!  La Push and Forks were on the list too (no vampires attacked luckily).  Oh, and I made delicious campfire veggies (I’m still craving them!)

We packed up in the rain and all my clothes smelled like a campfire by the time we got home–but what a great trip!  It was just what I needed!

Welcome to my blog–Happy Health Coach!


Oh happy day, Oh happy day!  I’m doing my “happy dance” because I found out today that I was approved for my business license!  Now that’s a reason to celebrate!!  This exciting news brought forth the idea that today would be a great day to start my very own blog– now I have two reasons to celebrate!  (Cue the confetti and balloons!)

I am the official owner of my very own business, Pacific Northwest Health!  I founded Pacific Northwest Health to provide one-on-one coaching to adults and children with digestive and /or immune system issues who want to improve or eliminate their symptoms through diet and lifestyle changes.

This is not only my passion but also my purpose– having years of personal experience with my own health issues and every kind of doctor you can imagine.  I am happy to say that I am much healthier and happier now than I have been in a decade–due to the dietary theories, alternative healing methods and mind-body medicine I learned through the Institute for Integrative Nutrition.  Now I can’t wait to share my extensive knowledge with others!

Check me out at and stay tuned for the adventures of the Happy Health Coach–(me!)