Today’s Health Shocker!


Here’s Today’s Health Shocker!

Did you know that 100 trillion bacteria take up residence in your body? That’s more than ten times the amount of cells in your body!

This is why a healthy immune system is so important. With 70 percent of our immune system in our gut, it’s no secret that the food we put in our mouth affects our health tremendously. So next time you reach for a bite to eat, think of the adverse effect it can take on your health. Take a little time to invest in you, and make a small step by incorporating healthier options of the foods you already love into your diet.

Need some assistance or motivation to change your unhealthy habits? Let’s talk. Call me at (360) 836-4559 to set up a free consultation or reach me on the web at

To your health –

Health Coach Autumn

I’ve become a doTERRA essential oil addict!

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Essential oils are so amazing!  Wait, let me say it again.  ESSENTIAL OILS ARE AMAZING!!

I had no clue that I was walking into a Gold mine last year by joining the doTERRA Essential Oil Company.

Essential oils are a fantastic, natural way to treat or lessen the effects of all sorts of health issues; from emotional to mental to physical issues. They not only treat the side effects, they tackle the root of the problem too! My friend Hope and I are having a virtual class on facebook next Monday at 5pm Pacific/8 pm Eastern and you should attend!

I promise you will learn some amazing things about how you can boost your health, immune system and mood.  Hope to see you in the class!

Here is the link:

TO your great health (and mine too)-

Health Coach Autumn

13 Perfect Foods For Ideal Health


What’s the truth in our foods?   
The truth is the pH level of our body, particularly in our stomach, has an effect on how our body functions. An imbalance can cause many different health issues, leaving the body susceptible to disease and premature aging. Maintaining an alkaline pH in the body is one of the best ways to prevent these problems.

A food’s ability to create an acidic or alkaline condition in the body doesn’t have any connection with the actual pH of the food itself. It’s the effect that it has on the body after it’s eaten that matters.  Who would have thought?!

A high alkaline foods diet refer to those which leave an alkaline residue within the body. Of course, it’s not necessary to give up all acidic foods, but the more alkaline foods you consume, the better your pH will be in the long run.

Here is a list of 13 perfect foods you can consume for maintaining a healthy alkaline level within your body.

  • Olive Oil
  • Flax Seed
  • Quinoa
  • Millet
  • Almonds
  • Chestnuts
  • Lemon Water
  • Herbal Teas
  • Raw Spinach
  • Papaya
  • Apples
  • Blueberries
  • Lime

To your healthy ecosystem (your body!)

Health Coach Autumn

How can you benefit your body’s ecosystem?

Did you know your body’s inner ecosystem is made up of beneficial bacteria, friendly yeast, and even non threatening viruses that naturally live inside your digestive tract? Your inner ecosystem can highly influence your waistline, mood, inflammation and allergies. It is truly the key to a strong immune system and helps your body age slowly and well. A balanced ecosystem & healthy digestive tract are essential for living a longer, healthier life.
How healthy is your ecosystem? And what can you do so that your body can flourish?

In order to keep your ecosystem healthy, immune system strong, and keep yourself in great health you should consume 80% alkaline-forming foods and 20% acid-forming foods. So what does this mean?

The typical American diet is completely acid-forming, rich in acid-forming meat, dairy & highly processed foods. Your body’s pH is 7.35, also known as slightly alkaline. Your body constantly seeks balance and works hard to maintain this healthy neutral alkaline zone. Alkaline-forming foods keep your pH balanced; give your body more energy and boost your immune system.

So which foods are Alkaline-forming foods? Here are a few:

Fruits: Lemon, Lime, Black Currants, Cranberry

Grains: Millet, Quinoa

Root Veggies: Carrots, Garlic, Leek, Onion, Radish, Daikon, Scallions

Veggies: Cucumber, Green Beans, Lettuce, Red Bell Pepper, Spinach, Zucchini, Parsley

Protein Fat: Coconut, Pumpkin Seeds, Sunflower Seeds, Flax Seeds, Avocado

Starchy Veggies: Red Skin Potato, Acorn Squash, Artichoke, English Peas, Butternut and Winter Squash

How many of these foods are you consuming on a regular basis? It’s definitely something to think about!
To your thriving ecosystem and mine,
Health and Lifestyle Coach Autumn

Are You Affected by Gluten?

wheat field

Gluten is a substance present in cereal grains ( especially wheat) which is responsible for the elastic texture of dough. A mixture of two proteins, it causes illness in people with celiac disease and others who are sensitive to it. Gluten sensitivity and allergies can produce a host of symptoms: Bloating, foggy head syndrome, gastrointestinal problems, memory problems, acne and breakouts, pain, dizziness, fatigue, hormone imbalances, headaches, inflammation, depression, anxiety…the list goes on.

So how do you know if you are sensitive to Gluten?

Get a blood test done.  You can also stay away from products containing gluten for at least one week to see If you body feels better.

Don’t know what to eat that is gluten-free?  Here are a list of grains that you can consume if you are going gluten-free:  



•Bean and legume flours

•Buckwheat (kasha)

•Corn (maize)

•Coconut flour

•Job’s Tears


•Montina (Indian rice grass)

•Nut & seed flours

•Potato, potato flour & potato starch

(white & sweet)


•Rice, rice bran, & wild rice


•Sorghum (milo)

•Soy (beans, flour)


•Teff * Cross-contamination is possible

To your health!

Health Coach Autumn

Pour Me A Glass of Coconut Water!


When was the last time you sipped on a glass of refreshing coconut water?

Coconut water was used in the 2nd World War as a blood substitute when blood plasma was low.  Believe it! It’s colony of liquid cells make it a healing liquid with living energy.  Its filled with vitamins, minerals, and electrolytes and is a great immune system enhancer.

Coconut water not only alkalizes your digestive system and aids in digestion but it is also beneficial for diabetic patients! It balances blood sugar levels because it contains an amino acid named arginine, which helps to moderate sugar absorption.

Coconut is anti-bacterial and anti-fungal;  fighting yeast overgrowth!  So drink up if your fighting a cold or bug!  Additionally, it can also lessen eczema and balance hormones.

Know any balding friends?!  Coconut water promotes hair growth!  That’s pretty amazing if you ask me.

So next time your at the market, pick some coconut water up!  Your body will be feeling like paradise in no time!

To your health and happiness,

Health Coach Autumn

Garlic Doesn’t Only Keep the Vampires Away!


Have you been eating your daily dose of garlic

Garlic has long been praised as being healthy, but few people know what this food can truly do for your body besides boost immunity.  (And that’s a huge benefit right there!)

Did you know garlic can help with respiratory problems, allergies, toothaches and warts?  Did you know it fights athlete’s foot, boosts energy levels, supports digestion and fights diabetes?  Amazing!  What about the fact that it stabilizes blood sugar, blood cholesterol, increases the absorption of iron and zinc and is filled with antioxidants?  Sounds too good to be true, right?  It’s not!

Garlic is the forgotten Super-food!  Roast some garlic and throw it on your salad, in your rice or in a wrap tonight!

To your health!

Autumn (check me out @

Digestion: At the Forefront of Good Health

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Digestion: At the Forefront of Good Health

by Autumn Pappas, Contributing Writer

Did you know that at least seventy percent of our immune system resides inside our digestive system? Digestive disorders have plagued our society, affecting an astounding 70 million Americans. Our once healthy digestive tracts have become compromised due to infections, undigested food, parasites and the overuse of antibiotics. Unhealthy diets of constant yeasts, carbohydrates and sugars have impaired our mucus lining and created chronic inflammation in our bodies. Chronic inflammation is the root cause of problems like heart disease, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, cancer, diabetes and strokes. Inflammation also affects our cells and damages our organs. With our immune systems so largely dependent upon a flourishing digestive system; we must take control of these issues and fight back.

How can we help our digestive systems? Take a probiotic supplement. Our small intestine contains natural probiotics, or beneficial bacteria, that populate our digestive tract. They fight off invaders like toxins and bad bacteria.  Probiotics detoxify our bodies as well. However, when our digestive systems become imbalanced these probiotics diminish; thereby creating holes in our mucus lining. This is known by alternative doctors as “Leaky gut syndrome.” Leaky gut syndrome is apparent when harmful substances inside our bodies are leaked into our blood stream. This can create aches, pains, food sensitivities, gas and bloating.

Contrary to popular belief, yogurt does not contain enough probiotics to fight off bad bacteria for most people. For maximum results, buy a probiotic supplement that needs to be refrigerated and contains billions of microorganisms. There is no one size fits all when it comes to probiotics.  What probiotic may work for your body, may not work for someone else’s. Natural forms of probiotics can be found in kefir; a drinkable yogurt. They can also be found in sauerkraut and kimchi; a fermented Asian vegetable mixture.

Additionally, dine on foods containing prebiotics. Prebiotics are natural substances found in food that encourage probiotics to grow. They mostly come from oligosaccharides, or carbohydrate fibers. Prebiotics can be found in many fruits and vegetables like bananas, berries, asparagus, tomatoes and onions. Garlic, honey, legumes and whole grains also carry them.

Consume enzyme rich foods. Enzymes are proteins that speed up chemical reactions. Metabolic enzymes are made in our bodies and are responsible for all of our processes. They literally sustain our bodies and our lives. Enzymes are essential to the digestive process because they help breakdown molecules in our food. Therefore, our bodies can use them as an energy source.  Juicing is a great way to take in enzymes since enzymes occur naturally in fruits and vegetables. Papaya, pineapple, nuts, seeds and sprouts are ideal enzyme sources. It should be dually noted that there are only enough enzymes in raw food to breakdown the molecules of that food.

Be conscience and take time to chew food slowly and completely; in order to get the maximum amount of enzymes from that particular food.  Furthermore, undigested food can harm the body and cause inflammation.

Our metabolic enzymes diminish at a faster pace than many would think. Our enzymes weaken as we age. For that reason, we cannot depend solely on our bodies to create all the enzymes we need. The best way to solve this ongoing problem is to take an enzyme supplement, in capsule or powder form. Enzyme supplements are extracted from different sources; including plant, animal and microbial. Plant and microbial enzymes are optimal because they are supportive to pH levels and they are not easily affected by stomach acids. In order to assist with the breakdown of fats and carbohydrates choose a supplement that contains a mix of different enzymes. Pay attention to the potency of the product you are purchasing, as different products contain varied amounts of enzymes. To our benefit, enzyme supplements also aid in weight loss.

Inflammation can be counteracted by taking an Omega-3 supplement daily. Omega-3’s boost brain activity and reduce cardiovascular disease. Look for high quality fish oil that contains Omega-3’s, DHA, and vitamin D3. Interject Omega-3 rich foods into your diet like flax seeds, walnuts, beans, olive oil, salmon, tuna and halibut.

Stick to an anti-inflammatory diet by avoiding high fructose corn syrup, sugar, processed foods, saturated fats and partially hydrogenated oils. Limit your intake of animal proteins with the exception of fish. Fill your plate with fruits, vegetables, whole grains and fiber. Use herbs and seasonings with anti-inflammatory values such as turmeric, ginger, cinnamon, rosemary and basil.

Ask your doctor about taking probiotic, enzyme and Omega-3 supplements; to make sure they are right for you. If approved, implement each supplement one by one. A healthy digestive tract is essential for a thriving body and immune system. The abbreviated version of this article appears in the February 2013 issue of the Port Ludlow Voice.

To your health!

Autumn (check me out @

Quinoa: The “Superseed” for a Super Body!

quinoa crop Quinoa Crop

Quinoa: The “Superseed” for a Super Body!

Ever get tired of eating the same old foods and want to add something new, delicious and healthy to your diet? Protein packed quinoa (KEEN-wah) is an ancient vegetable seed that was discovered by the Incas thousands of years ago and was highly valued by their civilization. It was used in many of their traditional dishes since it was grain-like, easy to cook and loaded with healthy nutrients.

This amazing “superseed” provides so many wonderful benefits for the body. It acts as a protein powerhouse with nine grams of protein per cup. It is rich in iron, fiber, magnesium, riboflavin, calcium, potassium and antioxidants. It even contains eight essential amino acids! Furthermore, it acts as a prebiotic because it detoxifies the intestinal tract and promotes healthy gut bacteria. Having healthy bacteria in your gut is important for good absorption of nutrients, proper digestion and your immune system.

Quinoa has a low glycemic index; which assists the body in many ways. It promotes weight loss by digesting slowly in the stomach which leaves it feeling fuller longer. This yummy food keeps energy levels constant and cravings curbed since it prevents a spike in blood-glucose levels. Quinoa also protects the body’s precious arteries and blood vessels.

The flavor of quinoa is subtle and slightly nutty. It has the same look, feel and texture as couscous. It can be used as a side dish, a noodle substitute, stuffing or pilaf.  Additionally, it goes great in soups and stews. Quinoa is a perfect substitution food for our ever growing population of people with gluten sensitivities and intolerances since it is gluten free. This powerful and delicious food can be found at a local Co-op market, Costco or online.

*This article was written by me, and published in the January 2013 issue of the Voice.

To your health!

Autumn (check me out at

What are the healthiest yogurts to buy?


Greek Yogurt Cheat Sheet

(This Article is from

Overwhelmed by the multitude of yogurt options? Use this cheat sheet to find the healthiest yogurt that will satisfy your taste buds and dietary needs.

Full of protein, calcium and healthy bacteria that’s good for your digestion and immune system, Greek yogurt has recently enjoyed a burst of popularity. It’s a great snack, especially if you’re looking to slim down. Not only does this yogurt make you feel full, some studies have shown that diets that include several servings of Greek yogurt a day may aid weight loss and trim waistlines.

While Greek yogurt used to be hard to find, supermarket shelves are now stocked with row upon row of different brands and flavors. If all these options make you feel overwhelmed, never fear – we at The Dr. Oz Show took a look at a variety of popular Greek yogurts that are among the healthiest and tastiest options out there. Use this cheat sheet to pick the best yogurt for you:

Low Sugar Content (Per Serving Size)
If you check out the label, you might be surprised to find that some yogurt varieties contain more sugar than two donuts! And, many yogurts that claim to be “low sugar” are packed instead with artificial sweeteners. Though plain yogurts usually have less sugar than flavored ones, we know that many people prefer flavored yogurt. With that in mind, here are two of the best flavored yogurts that don’t contain artificial sweeteners and won’t put you into a sugar coma:

  1. Stoneyfield Greek vanilla: 12 g of sugar
  2. Yoplait Greek blueberry blend: 18 g of sugar

High Protein Content (Per Serving Size) Stay alert and full, and support healthy muscles with a good dose of protein in the mornings. Each of these two yogurts contains almost as much protein as three ounces of lean meat:

  1. Fage 2% plain: 20 g protein
  2. Oikos traditional plain: 20 g protein

Healthiest Bacteria Any refrigerated product legally called “yogurt” must be produced by culturing dairy ingredients with a bacterial culture. These good bacteria can take up residence in your digestive tract, supporting good digestion and immune function by keeping bad bacteria in check. The bacteria are also responsible for making yogurt safe to eat for people with lactose intolerance. Refrigerated yogurts that bear a Live & Active Culture (LAC) seal contain at least 100 million bacterial cultures per gram at the time of manufacture. Here are two yogurts that are LAC and Oz-approved:

  1. Chobani 2% strawberry banana: Cultures contained include S. Thermophilus, L. Bulgaricus, L. Acidophilus, Bifidus and L. Casei
  2. Oikos traditional plain: Cultures contained include L. Bulgaricus and S. Thermophilus

To your health!

Autumn (check me out at

Do You Have Food Allergies?

wheat field sushi

Food can be our fuel or our poison. More people than ever are affected by abdominal pain, bloating, rashes and headaches; all stemming from food allergies. Food allergies, if severe enough, may even be considered a disability under the Americans with Disabilities Act in the future. 

The Wall Street Journal cites, “An estimated 15 million Americans–including 1 in every 13 children– have at least one food allergy, according to the Food Allergy Initiative. Another three million have celiac disease, an autoimmune reaction to gluten, and millions more avoid gluten for other health reasons.”

Why are food allergies and sensitivities rising? The Food and Drug Allergy Care Center at UCLA suggests our allergies are increasing due to our “westernized” culture of sterile environments which interrupt the normal development of our immune systems.  Other experts point the finger at GMO’s, or genetically modified foods like wheat. Many studies attribute the growth to the endless amount of additives, chemicals and hormones being injected into our food and water supply on a daily basis.

Gluten sensitivity is not new; it’s been diagnosed as a food allergy problem since 1888. Gluten sensitivity is only now in the spotlight because wheat consumption has risen; therefore gluten allergies have too. Likewise, wheat is drastically different than it was years ago. Modern day wheat is covered with fungicides and herbicides from the start to finish of the growing process.

Allergy related lawsuits have subsequently affected businesses that were once flourishing. To avoid these consequences, schools and restaurants have conscientiously made an effort to make their menus allergy friendly.

Part of the food allergy problem may have to do with misleading food packaging. Wheat products can masquerade on food labels under names such as food starch, stabilizers or emulsifiers. Words like “natural” and “made with organic” don’t always mean what they imply. Even the Nutrition Facts Panel, regulated by the FDA, can be deceptive when it comes to ingredients.

It’s important to get allergy tested if you don’t know what you are allergic to. Research the foods you purchase to avoid problems. Look for foods labeled “100% Organic,” since they are GMO free. Many grocery stores use their own labeling systems. Visit their websites to find out what criteria they use. 

To your health!

Autumn (check me out @